Sunday, June 26, 2016

Realities in the Promotions Industry in San Francisco

It's great busy Bay Area weekend this June 24-26, 2016 with simultaneous promotional events in the San Francisco  Bay Area. 

The big Nascar Race is going on then the Alameda County Fair and nonetheless the big San Francisco Pride Weekend where almost all the promo peeps are working back and forth in the Bay Area.

It's great to see how these events have grown through the years as it's really the excitement in working them that's it's all about.

As I reminisce back while getting all these back and forth messages between promo brand ambassadors and promotional staffing agencies, though the events and staff have grown the same realities prevail.

The facts are:

Promo Agencies:
Head shots, Clients selections, Core Personnel versus glamorous young pretty faces and hot bods.

Brand Ambassadors:
Best pay, best hours, most easiet jobs, perks,travel time, do I work both or which one?

With the given facts the same realities expectations as always.

Promo agencies get as much as many submissions regardless, for hard areas involving travel may or may not use core personnel, for high profile ones and clients pleasure book the pretty and hots.

Brand Ambassadors best pay, best hours, less travel and best perks but can be accommodating depending on the relationships and or who pays first and fast.

Come Dee Day, the barrage of Emergency and Urgent booking emails due to cancellations from promo agencies. What's really funny the not that hot and not that pretty anymore is desperately being requested to possibly work due to this cancellations.

So it's really dependent on the BA's how desperate they need work to reconsider and so and so.

My take on this over the years, it only takes me 3 strikes on my terms when a promo agency discriminates me considering they know I'm really very hardworking and reliable. If you been around in the industry and a good reputation it depends on each person but me "Adios". But when it comes to payment discrepancies and not paying on time it only takes 1 strike and I'm done.

Considering there is no working relationship is most of these jobs are they are 1099's  which hopefully the State are eventually all going to convert to W2's, hey these are the realities and it's up to each one to make to decisions.